Booking an Appointment
Surgery Hours
The surgery is open Monday ‑ Friday 8am ‑ 6.30 pm
Our telephone line is open 8am ‑ 6:30 pm : 01432 860235
For GP appointments, the surgery operates a telephone-first triage system, with routine telephone appointments that can be pre-booked, and same-day telephone appointments that be booked on the day for urgent matters. Please be assured that if a clinician feels that your problem can only be addressed by seeing you in person, you will be offered a face-to-face appointment at the surgery.
In addition to the practices normal opening hours, you can also book an appointment in the evenings and weekends. This may be with a different GP, nurse or location than you are used to. These appointments are pre-bookable by contacting the surgery during our opening times ‑ please ask for an extended access appointment.
Making an Appointment to See a Doctor
The Doctors have requested that all our Receptionists ask a little about the reason youd like a GP appointment. This is so you can be directed to the most appropriate person. Please dont be offended if a Receptionist asks you what you are calling about.
Urgent Appointments
If you need to speak to a doctor urgently, please ring as early as possible on the day – lines open at 8.00am. The receptionist will arrange for one of the duty team to ring you as soon as possible. If the doctor needs to see you in person, an appointment will be booked for that day.
Non Urgent Appointments
If you would like to book a non-urgent appointment you can ring reception between 8.00 am ‑ 6.30pm. Depending on which GP you wish to speak to, you may need to wait for a routine telephone appointment another day.
Evening and Weekend Appointments
Please click here for information regarding Evening and Weekend Appointments.
Online Consult
Using the online consult link, patients can access advice on hundreds of common medical problems. If you would like to ask the Doctor a specific question, there is an opportunity to complete and email a form to us from this, which will be attached to your electronic records. A member of our clinical team will contact you with a response within 48 hours.