The Practice Manager’s Famous Brownie Recipe

375g Plain chocolate. 375g Butter. 6 Eggs. 500g Sugar. Few drops vanilla essence. 300g Raisins or choc drops or chopped […]

Think Waste

Think Before you Order Your Tablets Do you need more?  Have you got any left at home?  Waste costs money […]

Do we Have Your Latest Recorded on Our Files?

Have you Recently: Changed your address?  Changed your telephone number?  Changed your surname?  Had any other change in your personal […]

Claiming Statutory Sick Pay

Did You Know? You only need a doctor’s ‘fit note’ (or sick note) if you’re off sick for 7 days […]

Care Quality Commission Report (CQC) October 2014

We had our CQC inspection on Tuesday 7th October 2014. The inspection team was led by a CQC inspector and included […]